A cinematic portrait of the larger-than-life love affair of Panamanian diplomat Tito Arias and his wife, famous dancer Dame Margot Fonteyn, that weaves together interviews, found footage, letters, old photographs, and emotive dance sequences.
Un retrato cinematográfico de la gran historia de amor entre el diplomático panameño Tito Arias y su esposa, la famosa bailarina Dame Margot Fonteyn, que se relata a través de entrevistas, metraje encontrado, cartas, fotografías y emotivas secuencias de baile.
International Film Festival of Panama/ Official Selection


34 W 13th Street, New York, NY 10011
SAT. 4/13 @ 2:30PM
Followed by Q&A w/ Directors Mercedes Arias and Delfina Vidal

Mercedes Arias is a graduate of The School of Communications of Boston University and has worked as a journalist most of her life. During her collaboration with fellow filmmaker Delfina Vidal, she has co produced the documentary UN DIA DIFERENTE (2007), that won the Grand National Press Award, and co-directed OUT (2013) and BOX 25 (2014).
Mercedes Arias se graduó en la Escuela de Comunicaciones de la Universidad de Boston y ha trabajado como periodista la mayor parte de su vida. Durante su colaboración con su compañera cineasta Delfina Vidal, ha coproducido el documental UN DIA DIFERENTE (2007), que ganó el Grand National Press Award, y ha codirigido OUT (2013) y BOX 25 (2014).
Delfina Vidal studied communications at the University of Panama and she was a student of Patricio Guzman. She has over 20 years of experience as a television producer. During her collaboration with fellow filmmaker Mercedes Arias, she has co produced the documentary UN DIA DIFERENTE (2007), that won the Grand National Press Award, and co-directed OUT (2013) and BOX 25 (2014).
Delfina Vidal estudió comunicación en la Universidad de Panamá y fue estudiante de Patricio Guzmán. Tiene más de 20 años de experiencia como productora de televisión. Durante su colaboración con su compañera cineasta Mercedes Arias, ha coproducido el documental UN DIA DIFERENTE (2007), que ganó el Grand National Press Award, y ha codirigido OUT (2013) y BOX 25 (2014).